RV Dealers in Ontario

Below is a list of RV dealers from Ontario. Simply browse through the listings below and click on one of the dealer profiles to view their RV inventory.

There are 21 Ontario RV Dealers listed below:


299 Thompson Road W. Waterford, ON, N0E 1Y0
1.519.443.0291 sales@adventurervctr.com
This dealer has 83 RVs

Camping In Style RV Centre

7725 Baldwin St. N. Whitby, ON, L1M1Y5
This dealer has 56 RVs

Can-Am RV Centre

6068 Colonel Talbot Rd. London, ON, N6P 1R1
1.519.652.3284 info@canamrv.ca
This dealer has 156 RVs

Ferguson RV World Inc.

1249 Talbot Street St. Thomas, ON, N5P 1G8
This dealer has 50 RVs

Gimme Shelter Ltd.

635605 Hwy 10 Mono, ON, L9V 0Z7
1.519-925-5261 info@gimmerv.com
This dealer has 8 RVs

Great Canadian RV Ltd

7960 Hwy7 Peterborough, ON, K9J 6X3
1.705-741-4155 info@greatcanadianrv.com
This dealer has 63 RVs

Great Escape RV

24265 Richmond St. N RR42 LONDON, ON, N5X 4B2
This dealer has 85 RVs

Happy Hollow Campground

70 Drury Lane RR#3 Goderich, ON, N7A3X9
This dealer has 26 RVs

Heidi's RV Superstore

3982 HWY #11 South Oro Medonte, ON, L0L 1T0
1.705.487.2214 heidis@heidisrv.com
This dealer has 105 RVs

Lovesick Lake RV Sales

#4738 Hwy 28 Lakefield, ON, K0L 2H0
1.705-654-3587 steve@lovesicklakepark.ca
This dealer has 35 RVs

Mobilife RV Centre

4166 King St E Kitchener, ON, N2P 2G5
1.519.653.5788 rvsales@mobiliferv.ca
This dealer has 63 RVs

Niagara Trailers

Box 153 1224 York Road St Davids, ON, L0S 1P0
1.905.262.4518 rving@niagaratrailers.com
This dealer has 439 RVs

Pierson Motors

2065 Concession 12 Ripley, ON, N0G 2R0
1.(519)395-2424 mpierson@piersonmotors.ca
This dealer has 217 RVs

Recreation World RV

2320 Dawson Rd Thunder Bay, ON, P7G 2G2
1.807.767.3455 sales@recworldrv.com
This dealer has 100 RVs

Shane Michaels Sales Inc.

Highway 12 and County Road 47 Brechin, ON, L0K 1B0
This dealer has 46 RVs

Sicard RV

7526 Regional Road 20 West Lincoln, ON, L0R 2A0
1.905.957.3344 sales@sicardrv.com
This dealer has 727 RVs

Smithville RV Inc

1.905.957.4678 smithvillerv@gmail.com
This dealer has 74 RVs

Toronto Camping Centre

1841 Hwy 7 Concord, ON, L4K 1V4
1.905.738.1421 sales@tccrv.com
This dealer has 1 RVs

Trailer Time RV Centre

5653 Colonel Talbot Rd. London, ON, N6P 1H8
1.5196525552 info@trailertimerv.ca
This dealer has 30 RVs

Under The Stars RV

9577 Sideroad 17 Erin, ON, N0B 1T0
1.905-877-4266 info@undertherstarsrv.ca
This dealer has 34 RVs

Vos Trailers

1560 Main Street South Stittsville (Ottawa), ON, K2S 1A9
1.613-836-4841 sales@vostrailers.ca
This dealer has 60 RVs
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Premium RV Dealers

RV Dealer Location:West Lincoln, ON
Member Since:2001
Units Listed:881
RV Dealer Location:Kitchener, ON
Member Since:2012
Units Listed:73
RV Dealer Location:Erin, ON
Member Since:2013
Units Listed:29
RV Dealer Location:Oro Medonte, ON
Member Since:2003
Units Listed:105
RV Dealer Location:Balzac, AB
Member Since:2001
Units Listed:14
RV Dealer Location:Peterborough, ON
Member Since:2007
Units Listed:72
RV Dealer Location:Concord, ON
Member Since:2013
Units Listed:1
RV Dealer Location:Whitby, ON
Member Since:1969
Units Listed:73
RV Dealer Location:LONDON, ON
Member Since:2013
Units Listed:84
RV Dealer Location:London, ON
Member Since:2002
Units Listed:156
RV Dealer Location:St. Thomas, ON
Member Since:2001
Units Listed:58
RV Dealer Location:Mono, ON
Member Since:2005
Units Listed:8
RV Dealer Location:Thunder Bay, ON
Member Since:2002
Units Listed:100