My Visit to the Tampa RV Supershow

Posted on Jan 30, 2025

This was my third visit to the Tampa RV Supershow and let me tell you, it gets bigger every year.  The show featured over 1,300 new 2025 models from major RV manufacturers.  This means acres and acres of RVs of every shape and size displayed indoors and outdoor and a
mini-marathon of walking.

I show up on industry day and the crowds are much more manageable, but the people movers shuttles, live entertainment and seminars are not in full swing.  But if you are there to see a lot of RVs you are in 7th Heaven.

 I got there early just as the show opened as in Florida the afternoon can be quite hot and humid.  My first stop was to the Airstream display.  This is a popular area of the show and as the day goes on you are jostling for position with the every growing army of “influencers”, those good and enthusiastic folks with a selfie stick and an iPhone documenting their very important reflections about their day out.  I can’t imagine how many YouTube videos were being frantically uploaded that week!

Midnight Flamingo Flying Cloud
Yours truly, giving my approval to the Midnight Flamingo Flying Cloud

The Midnight Flamingo in all it's Stealth Glory!
The Midnight Flamingo in all it's Stealth Glory!


You may have seen social media releases for the new Midnight Flamingo Airstream.  It is a Flying Cloud trim package with a lot of stylish black trim and some upgrades from the standard Flying Cloud.  It was attracting attention and I spent some time going over that unit.  With it’s black wheels and black belt line and stone guards it sure would look great on a black tow vehicle with similar black wheels.  A stealthy quality about it for sure.  Here is a link to Airstream’s “secret skunk works” inspired video. 


The Airstream display was very impressive and the company never rests on it’s reputation but continues to expand the model line, improve the features and respond to customer demands.  Airstream still operates on the mandate given by company founder Wally Byam, “let’s not make changes, let’s only make improvements!”

It would take too long to report all I saw and loved in Airstream’s line up so I will encourage you to visit the upcoming RV shows in Toronto and London to see Can-Am’s display and experience what I mean.  We may not have every Airstream in every floor plan made, but we have a very representative selection worth seeing what the buzz is about this brand.
Airstream is leading the B-Van market for the choice available and new rugged designsAirstream is leading the B-Van market for the choice available and new rugged designs
Airstream is leading the B-Van market for the choice available and new rugged designs

I visited the Grand Design display area and this great company from Elkhart, Indianna has possible the most diverse number of models in the industry.  From 17’ AIM models to giant 5th wheels, the range of products are staggering and available in every price range.  The company stands by their product and quality control continues to be second to none.  It is the reason that we have been so dedicated to this manufacturer for years.

RV        RV 
From the biggest 2 million dollar motor coach to this cute fibreglass unit there is something for everyone!

Although we don’t carry those multi-million dollar highway coaches at the dealership, it sure is fun to get a walk through in those babies.  They are like New York high rise apartments on wheels.  Marble everything, mirrors everywhere and some of the most creative lighting you will find. Of course they cost 3 million US dollars and get 4 miles per gallon, but they have a stunning display area and I imagine strong sales.  If I could ever afford one, I’d also hire a driver to drive it and a sushi chef to keep me entertained while we rolled along the interstate!

RV                         RV

Who says you can't take it with you, in this case your barn!                                       Manhattan on wheels!

I probably spent as much time investigating the newest gadgets and products in the merchandise  buildings, and there are several giant buildings just for that.  There are some great new products created by smaller companies that invent out of there actual camping experiences.  The Sewer Saddle Bag is a heavy double sandbag that straddles your sewer hose so you don’t have to ask your wife to put her foot on the elbow when you pull the dump valve.  My guess is that it was designed by the guy’s wife.  It was selling like hot cakes. 
Sorry Canadians no shipping outside the USA.  But is sure would save me time finding the right sized rock!


There were a lot of retailers offering options for adding solar packages, and the amount of tech development for staying connected while on the road is staggering.  The Van Life movement is well represented with super efficient mini fridges and freezers on display in many booths.  Of course all the fun stuff like camping furniture and dish-ware, accessories and decorations continue to dominate the impulse purchase market.  Although we don’t take all that stuff to our RV shows we have a beautiful selection at our Can-Am store, carefully curated by Wendy.

There are lots and lots of videos available for you to watch to get a sense of what one of the largest RV shows on the continent looks like.  Sorry I left my selfie stick at home and didn’t shoot video that day.  But if you find yourself in South Florida one January it certainly is a great day out.  For the rest of us we promise you a great time at the following local RV Shows coming up soon!


London RV Show

February 14 - 17 - Family Day Weekend
Western Fair Agriplex - 845 Florence Street, London, Ont. 


Toronto Spring Camping & RV Show "The Big One":

February 27 - March 2
The International Centre - 6900 Airport Road, Mississauga, Ont.

Article Tags

  • Airstream
  • Can Am RV
  • Michael Lambert
  • Tampa RV show
  • 2025 models
  • Midnight Flamingo