Read on to learn more about boosting your RV’s fuel efficiency, and for more information, contact Camping in Style.
Regular Maintenance
Regular maintenance can help ensure your RV's mechanical components function smoothly for years.
Thorough and proactive servicing can identify hidden issues affecting your RV's fuel efficiency and overall performance. A detailed inspection can also help maintain your camper in great shape. Ensure you regularly clean your air filters, check fuel and oil levels, and inflate your tires properly.
Plan Your Route
Planning your route ahead of time can help you avoid getting lost or making unnecessary stops. We often recommend our customers use a navigation app to identify the shortest route to their destinations and avoid heavily congested areas.
Maintain a Consistent Speed
Another way to boost your RV’s fuel economy is to drive at a consistent speed. Generally speaking, an RV's fuel efficiency decreases significantly with increased speed. Driving your camper at high speed will put extra stress on your engine and cause it to consume more fuel, so stick to the posted speed limit and avoid driving over 55mph.
Pack light
The weight you carry in your RV can impact its fuel efficiency. The heavier your camper is, the more fuel it will consume. This can mean driving or hauling a heavy camper and spending unnecessarily on fuel expenses. To skip the hassle, pack what you need to stay safe and comfortable on your outing. Pack travel-sized toiletries and replace your standard camping gear, RV furniture, and accessories with lightweight models.
We hope these tips help make your camper more fuel efficient. If you need more advice or are still searching for a fuel-efficient RV, contact Camping in Style. We proudly serve Whitby, Oshawa, and Mississauga, ON, so reach out today.